Ascending Posts by Fly Plugins


Fly Plugins presents Ascending Posts plugin.

Do you need to shift the order of your posts to ascending by date opposed to descending?

This plugin adds a feature to a post category to allow the posts in that particular category to be displayed in ascending or descending order by date.

When you go to edit your category, you will have 2 options:

  • Ascending
  • Descending

This will automatically display posts on that category page ascending/descending based on your specification.

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Captures d’écran

  • The Ascending/Descending option in the category configuration page
  • The plugin in action


  1. Upload the ascending-posts folder into the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Configure the plugin by going into Posts–>Categories, then click a category in which you would like to modify the post order, then select Ascending or Descending.


Does this plugin sort both ascending and descending



17 août 2018
Plugin options showed up but didn’t change anything. I am using Divi by Elegant Themes, not sure if that has anything to do with it but regardless, a no go for me.
26 janvier 2018
I have a category that I wanted the posts to show form the oldest to the newest and it was driving my crazy that they were from newest to oldest. I found this plugin, activated it, changed the sort order for the category and it worked perfectly! As well as saving my sanity 😀
27 janvier 2017
This is seriously a lifesaver for me because I was trying to find a way to reorder the posts in select categories without having to custom build templates. I spent a long time yesterday looking for a plugin that adds ordering options to the category edit window and here you have one! I came across this plugin by accident actually when searching Google. I read the 1-star reviews here, but I gave this a try and have to say this worked for me. Now, if you plan any future updates of features, you may want to consider adding the option of « orderby » as well. Still, being able to set ASC to my theme tutorial categories just made my day! Cheers, Andre
Lire les 15 avis

Contributeurs & développeurs

« Ascending Posts by Fly Plugins » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.


Historique des changements


  • Updated plugin metaboxes.


  • Updated the resources page, adding back the latest news metabox.


  • Updated the resources page.


  • Fixed bug with going to page 2 or « older posts » link at the bottom of category archive page.


  • Initial release