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OKO Original Landing tracker


This plugin allows you to track the original landing page of unique visitors to your site. This information is avaliable to view in Google Analytics.

For more information and instructions on how to view this data, please read this blog post: http://oko.co.uk/blog/what-content-keeps-your-readers-coming-back-more

The idea behind this plugin is to make it easier for wordpress users who may not have experience editing template files (or may not want to) to still get the same functionality as the snippet posted in the blog post.

Or to make it easier for your clients to install this without having to edit templates and make the whole process quick.

If there are any issues or questions regarding this plugin, you can contact OKO at hello@oko.co.uk


  1. Upload the entire oko-original-landing folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Check to make sure all files are in the folder. Should contain config.php and oko-original-landing-tracker.php
  3. Put the site into maintenance mode
  4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  5. Configure the plugin under Settings->OKO Settings

The second and third points are optional, I only suggest this so that you can get the correct custom variable number set correctly before visitors start generating data from the snippet.


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Contributeurs & développeurs

« OKO Original Landing tracker » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.


Historique des changements


  • Initial Add