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Posts List


Adds a posts (or pages) list of your blog pages (or posts) by entering the shortcode [posts-list].

First example shows how to add the posts list in its simplest form.

Example shortcode will add a pages list to a page.
[posts-list type=page]

Example shortcode will add a posts list to a page displaying a year 2011 and 2010.
[posts-list year= »2011,2010″]

Example shortcode will add a posts list to a page displaying a category id 10 and 11.
[posts-list category= »10,11″]

Example display ONLY the title.
[posts-list date_format=FALSE]


  1. Upload the entire posts-list folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Add the shortcode [posts-list] to the page(s) of your choice.


  • type : post, page, attachment … and more ( default : post )
  • sort : desc or asc ( default : desc )
  • style : ul, ol, dl, table, div p ( default : ul )
  • date_format : see PHP date format
  • year : filtering year
  • month : filtering month
  • category : filtering category id


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Contributeurs & développeurs

« Posts List » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.


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Historique des changements

0.4.2 – Jun, 6, 2013
Support custom post.

0.4.1 – Sep. 14, 2011
Added option, « display ONLY the title ».

0.4.0 – Jan. 14, 2011
Initial release.