Étiquette de l’extension : calendar
TEC Elementor Single Builder
(0 notes en tout)Elementor Single Builder for The Events Calendar Plugin.
Subscriber Addons for The Events Calendar
(0 notes en tout)Subscriber Addons for The Events Calendar. Subscribe your viewers to your calendar and inform them about your new events through email.
Plain Event Calendar
(0 notes en tout)Simple event calendar plugin to manage your events and publish them with a shortcode or a block.
Bookster Search Form
(0 notes en tout)Add a Bookster Property Search Form to your WordPress website
(0 notes en tout)MyEventCalendar allows you to add display events to your users. It provide different customisation
Content Schedule Manager
(0 notes en tout)Content Schedule Manager is a visual calendar for scheduling and managing WordPress posts.
Multi Days Events and Multi Events in One Day Calendar
(1 notes en tout)Every company needs a calendar on the WordPress website. This plugin shows a calendar to website visitors. This plugin is very easy to use.
OmniWebSolutions Simple Calendar
(0 notes en tout)Plugin WordPress pour afficher et gérer des réservations.
Holiday Calendar
(0 notes en tout)A WordPress plugin to manage holidays with titles, descriptions, dates, and links, displaying past, present, and future holidays.
Year Remaining
(1 notes en tout)Year Remaining is a plugin that allows WordPress users to integrate the Year Remaining progress bar into the WordPress Dashboard as well as on pages o …
Arena Scheduler
(0 notes en tout)An easy and professional way to organize and schedule arena activities.
Primary Contact Event Manager
(0 notes en tout)Adds a primary contact to an event in The Events Calendar by Modern Tribe.
Schedule.cc by 500apps – Appointment Scheduling Plugin To Plan & Schedule Events
(0 notes en tout)What is Schedule.cc?
Skeedee Booking Widget
(0 notes en tout)Plugin will connect widget from Skeedee.com to your WordPress website without code editing.
(1 notes en tout)Display your meetings schedule in a Bootstrap-based grid system, through this free plugin.
Hello Event
(2 notes en tout)Manage events and sell tickets through WooCommerce in an extremely easy way. Just drop in the plugin and you're ready to go.