Étiquette de l’extension : featured
Post List Featured Image
(12 notes en tout)A plugin that adds the "Featured Image" column in admin posts and pages list.
Recent & Featured Posts Widget
(1 notes en tout)Display recent posts or manually selected posts with thumbnail images. Show the excerpt directly on the page or as a dropdown.
External URL Featured Image
(8 notes en tout)Use an external url image as Featured Image for your posts, pages, and other kind of post types.
BNS Featured Category
(2 notes en tout)Displays most recent posts from a specific featured category or categories.
Content Randomizer
(6 notes en tout)This plugin allows you to add texts, images, videos and display them in a random order or slideshow.
WP Autoset Featured Image Plus
(6 notes en tout)Check for an image inside text editor or use external images from anywhere as the featured image of your pages and posts.
Frontier Set Featured
(2 notes en tout)Frontier Set Featured will set featured image from images in the post if no featured image is set by the user.
Easy Featured Images
(4 notes en tout)A small plugin to add featured images in the "All Posts" page.
Featured Posts and Custom Posts
(3 notes en tout)Allows the user to feature posts and custom posts. When a post is featured it gets the post metta _jsFeaturedPost.
WooCommerce Products without featured images
(2 notes en tout)A very simple product list for WooCommerce products, without featured images.
Featured Posts Pro
(5 notes en tout)This plugin gives Administrator/Editor an easy option to mark posts, pages & custom posts as featured posts and provides a widget to list the rece …
Featured Video
(4 notes en tout)Featured video is exactly the same as a featured image. It allows you to easily link a YouTube or Vimeo video to a post.
WP Featured Soliloquy Sliders
(1 notes en tout)Provides a metabox on posts and pages listing existing Soliloquy Sliders.
Numix Post Slider
(13 notes en tout)Numix Post Slider is a variable width images carousel plugin. Simple and lightweight, built with native WordPress functionality.
Yet Another Featured Posts Plugin (YAFPP)
(0 notes en tout)Yet Another Featured Posts Plugin provides an easy AJAX interface to feature posts, with thumbnails & other display options for featured posts.
(0 notes en tout)iSlidex is a Wordpress slideshow plugin that will display images taken from posts in a specific category.