Étiquette de l’extension : security
Blackhole for Bad Bots
(142 notes en tout)Blackhole is a WordPress security plugin that detects and traps bad bots in a virtual black hole, where they are denied access to your entire site.
NinjaScanner – Virus & Malware scan
(27 notes en tout)A lightweight, fast and powerful antivirus scanner for WordPress.
BulletProof Security
(664 notes en tout)WordPress Security Protection: Malware scanner, Firewall, Login Security, DB Backup, Anti-Spam…
Zero Spam for WordPress
(136 notes en tout)No spam, no scams, just seamless experiences with Zero Spam for WordPress – the shield your site deserves.
FULL – Cliente
(4 notes en tout)Este plugin adiciona novas extensões úteis e conecta-o ao painel da FULL. para ativações de outros plugins
Security & Malware scan by CleanTalk
(333 notes en tout)Security, FireWall, Malware auto scan by CleanTalk, online security. Security plugin.
requis With Ajax – Fast Logins, 2FA, Redirects
(164 notes en tout)Add beautiful login forms with smooth AJAX login/registration effects, 2FA support, custom redrection options and many more login-related features!
Patchstack – WordPress & Plugins Security
(56 notes en tout)Patchstack automatically identifies & mitigates security vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins, themes, and core.
Login by Auth0
(17 notes en tout)Login by Auth0 provides improved username/password login, Passwordless login, Social login and Single Sign On for all your sites.
Protect WP Admin
(50 notes en tout)WP Protect Admin Plugin has Provide Extra Secutiry Layer to Protect Your WordPress Admin Area. Using this plugin you can safe your site using necessar …
User Login History
(27 notes en tout)Helps you to know your website's visitors by tracking their login related information like login/logout time, country, browser and many more.
MainWP Dashboard: WordPress Management without the SaaS
(2 306 notes en tout)Streamline your WordPress management with a powerful, self-hosted dashboard for updates, backups, security, cost tracking, and client management.
WP Limit Login Attempts
(300 notes en tout)Limit rate of login attempts and block IP temporarily. Brute force attack protection. GDPR compliant. Captcha enabled.
Jetpack VaultPress
(73 notes en tout)(DEPRECATED: Please install "Jetpack VaultPress Backup" instead) Jetpack VaultPress offers real-time backups, one-click restores, and premiu …
Lockdown WP Admin
(54 notes en tout)Lockdown WP Admin conceals the administration and login screen from intruders. It can hide WordPress Admin (/wp-admin/) and and login (/wp-login.
Password Strength Settings for WooCommerce
(25 notes en tout)Help secure your WooCommerce site by enforcing stronger passwords and taking additional control of your strength requirements.