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Visitors Detective


Visitors Detective is a simple plugin for wordpress with which you can see all your visitors on log list with a user-friendly navigation system.

What can you do with Visitors Detective?

-You can see all external visits with:
The ip
The nation where they come from
The from site and the visit page of your website
The date of the visit
And the user if registered

-Then this plugin create a good logs user-friendly

-You can search any types in the visits logs

-Simple navigation

-You can block/unlock the indesiderate ip

Compatible with all 3.x wordpress version and with all major browser

Good blogging!


-Move ‘Visitors Detective’ folder on plugins in wp-content

-Make sure of haven’t a table with ‘visitors’ name on your db

-Go to plugin on wordpress admin menu and active Visitors Detective

-Now if you want see the external visits or block any ip go to settings and go
to Visitors Detective and enjoy!


Why i see any times some stranges nation of 2 characters?

This is the nation on $_SERVER[‘HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE’] if isn’t include on the general
switch of the nations you can add a case before the default

case '2 characters find':
     return 'Name nation';

At wp-content/plugins/Visitors Detective/inc/vv_adding.php



7 février 2017
If you download Wordfence Security you get security and ip logs in one plugin.
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