WooCommerce for Logged-in Users


Set the WooCommerce Shop only for logged-in users. Just activate the plugin and users not logged-in will be redirected to « My Account » page by default to login.


  1. Upload woo-for-logged-users.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


What do I need to do after activating the plugin?

Nothing :). After activating, the plugin automatically will redirect not logged-in users to « My Account » page to login.

Can I set what pages the user will be redirected to?

Yes, you can. In Dashboard, go to menu WooCommerce -> WooCommerce for logged-in users and set the pages that you desire.


29 mars 2022 1 reply
I was wondering how to add a new and useful feature for my shop, and I asked Ramon Ahnert, and him instantly helps me with a code snippet that amazingly solved my problem! Thanks a lot bro!
29 août 2021 1 reply
Great simple trustable plugin, I had the same issues as in « Redirect to Shop page » so I think a fix to the max 5 items in drop-down would be usefull.
8 avril 2021 1 reply
I use this plugin because I was a bit too enthousiastic with my SEO and google was delivering me too many customers that I couldn’t handle so I wanted to keep my loyal customers but block the new ones. After searching and installing so many plugins that were so useless and time wasting I finally found this. And it’s simple. You activate it. And it just redirects anyone that wants to visit your shop, to log in page.. Thank you, I made an account just for making this review. You deserve more 5+ stars and i’m glad and my problem is solved so a huge thank you !
Lire les 10 avis

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Historique des changements


  • [new] Filters wflu_should_redirect_not_logged_in_user, wflu_redirect_page_url and wflu_redirect_after_login_page_url


  • Security: update dependencies.


  • Fix registering of REST API routes


  • Fix internationalization issue


  • Update the settings page with redirect options


  • Add option to redirect to shop page after login


  • Updated « tested up to »


  • Initial release