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WooSwipe WooCommerce Gallery


A WooCommerce gallery plugin built using PhotoSwipe from Dmitry Semenov. photoswipe and slick carousel.

WooSwipe should work out of the box with your WooCommerce gallery settings. Simply adjust your image sizes in Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Images. You may need to rebuild your thumbnails when changing image sizes. (Note: If your theme declares theme image sizes then you may not be able to change them.)

  • Responsive
  • Very Mobile Friendly
  • Keyboard control
  • Full image size
  • 2 colour options
  • Pinit to Pinterest option

Planned Features:
* Show titles or captions


add_filter( ‘wooswipe_zoomed_image_size’, ‘max_image_size’, 10, 1 );
function max_image_size( $size ) {
$size = « large »;
return $size;

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/thriveweb/wooswipe

More Info here

Captures d’écran

  • Screenshot Default gallery layout
  • Screenshot Popup layout


  1. Upload /wooswipe/ to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Checkout your new gallery!


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Contributeurs & développeurs

« WooSwipe WooCommerce Gallery » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.
